Book Review of 'Texas Forsaken' by Sherry Shindelar

Hello Bookworms!

If you've followed me for any length of time you know that I am a Texas gal.  I was born and raised in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and one of the topics I have always loved to study is Texas history.  I always jump at any historical fiction that has to do with Texas, which gives my love of history in a wonderful fictional package as it allows my imagination to go wild while also keeping the historical aspect on the forefront.  I love it!!

The historical fiction I am reviewing today was such an incredibly powerful novel that I am excited to give my thoughts on.  I hope you enjoy my review and, as always, don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of this post and enter the amazing giveaway from JustRead Tours!

Texas Forsaken JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Texas Forsaken by Sherry Shindelar, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Texas Forsaken

Title: Texas Forsaken
Series: Lone Star Redemption #1
Author: Sherry Shindelar
Publisher: Wild Heart Books
Release Date: May 21, 2024
Genre: Christian Historical Romance

The man who destroyed her life may be the only one who can save it. 

Seven years ago, Maggie Logan (Eyes-Like-Sky) lost everything she knew when a raid on a wagon train tore her from her family. As the memories of her past faded to nothing more than vague shadows, Maggie adapted, marrying a Comanche warrior, having a baby, and rebuilding her life. But in one terrible battle, the U.S. Cavalry destroys that life and she is taken captive again, this time by those who call themselves her people. Forced into a world she wants nothing to do with, Eyes-Like-Sky’s only hope at protecting her child may be an engagement to the man who killed her husband. 

Enrolled in West Point to escape his overbearing father, Captain Garret Ramsey finds himself assigned to the Texas frontier, witnessing the brutal Indian War in which both sides commit atrocities. Plagued by guilt for his own role, Garret seeks redemption by taking responsibility for the woman he widowed and her baby. Though he is determined to do whatever it takes to protect them, is he willing to risk everything for a woman whose heart is buried in a grave?  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

My Review

Talk about capturing my heart and bringing a vivid world to life!  Texas Forsaken truly has everything you’d ever want in a historical fiction and it certainly stole my heart. 

The beginning starts out pretty intense as we are inserted in a very tumultuous time in a very primitive place: the fight between America and the natives in south Texas before the succession.  Heartache turned into crushing blows of pure anguish as I got further into the story, the tragedies coming quick and sudden. 

One thing is for sure: Sky is a fighter!  No matter what she was faced with she continued to push and fight for herself and her daughter.  The immense grief that she carries after the death of her husband, not to mention having to mother her infant daughter, while fighting for their freedom is truly the stuff of nightmares.  Yet, she continues to revolt with more strength and determination than most of the soldiers that surround her.

Garret feels like no matter what he does he’ll never measure up, but what he doesn’t realize is just how amazing he actually is.  He is the image of honor and loyalty and truly the light in this story.  Together they make a formidable pair and witnessing the development of their relationship is stunning. 

The imagery is positively breathtaking and the writing flows so naturally that it was easy to get lost in this world.  There were moments that I had to stop and take a breath because the scene was so intense, the writing was that powerful.  I practically read this novel in one sitting and savored every moment. I cannot recommend this novel enough!

My Rating: ★★★★★

About the Author

Sherry Shindelar

Originally from Tennessee, Sherry Shindelar loves to take her readers into the past. She is an avid student of the Civil War and the Old West, and she is a romantic at heart. When she is not busy writing, she is an English professor working to pass on her love of writing to her students. Sherry is an award-winning writer: 2023 Genesis finalist, Maggie finalist, and Crown finalist. She currently resides in Minnesota with her husband of thirty-eight years. She has three grown children and three grandchildren.

Connect with Sherry at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a $25 Amazon gift card, a signed copy of Texas Forsaken, and a Texas Bluebonnet mug!

Texas Forsaken JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 21, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 28, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours
All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.


  1. what a fabulous review! Thanks for being on the tour!

  2. This sounds like a great book I’d love to read it!

  3. This sounds like a really interesting read! Thanks so much for sharing it.

  4. This looks like a great read. Thanks for sharing.


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