Reviewer Tour: The Negativity Remedy by Nicole J. Phillips

Welcome to the Reviewer Tour for The Negativity Remedy by Nicole J. Phillips hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


: The Negativity Remedy
Author: Nicole J. Phillips
Publisher: Baker Books
Release Date: September 1, 2020
Genre: Christian Living and Self-Help

We're all pretty nice people, right? It's just that occasionally we're tempted to gossip or indulge in a little justified road rage . . . or snap at our spouse . . . maybe scream at our kids . . . I mean, if everyone else would get with the program, we wouldn't be this way!

But maybe the trouble isn't with all those other people who aggravate us. Maybe we're the problem--specifically, the way we react to inconveniences, accidents, and just plain old everyday life with negative words, thoughts, and actions. Because the truth is, when we stop focusing on how we're being affected and start responding in kind ways, that's when something remarkable happens: we actually feel happier ourselves.

With humor, compassion, and encouragement, Nicole Phillips draws on scientific research and real-life examples to help us recognize unhelpful negative thought patterns, show kindness toward others even when we don't feel like it, and discover how one little change actually changes everything.

PURCHASE LINKS: Amazon | Goodreads | B&N | Bookbub

My Review💛
I have always considered myself a pretty kind person.  I always am as polite as I can be, and try to put the needs of others before my own, but I've never really sat and thought about my level of kindness, and where I lack, until I picked up The Negativity Remedy.

Most nonfiction books are easy to get lost in the information, but The Negativity Remedy is so engaging!  Filled to the brim with personal stories from the author, as well as other acquaintances, you feel like you're chatting in a coffee shop with friends rather than reading about these instances.

Though a bit redundant, and on the repetitive side, with a topic like kindness I believe this to be an unavoidable trait.  Plus, the stories kept the book fresh and intriguing, which helps break up the repetition.  

Since reading this book I have already caught myself unconsciously doing some of the things recommended, especially since COVID, and all of the negativity that is currently in our world, which has seeped into my own life, but I truly believe Nicole Phillips has found the best cure for negativity, and I plan to fight the negativity with kindness!  Thank you Nicole Phillips for a positive, uplifting, and motivational read!

My Rating: ★★★★


Nicole Phillips is a champion for using kindness to overcome all of life's difficulties, including her own battle with breast cancer. She spreads the message of the healing power of kindness through her public speaking and weekly column, "Kindness is Contagious" which runs in newspapers in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Nicole has her Broadcast Journalism degree from the University of Wisconsin and has worked as a television anchor and reporter in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin and Fargo, North Dakota. As Miss Wisconsin 1997, she spent the year touring the state talking to children and adults about overcoming crisis. She was probably 11th runner up to Miss America that year, but we'll never know because they only announced the Top 10.

Nicole lives in Athens, Ohio, has three children and is married to Ohio University Men's Basketball Coach, Saul Phillips.

Visit Nicole and share your own story of kindness at

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*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the publisher, Baker Books, through NetGalley. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own.

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