Book Review: Mistletoe, Tinsel & You by Leah Busboom

Publisher: LBRB Consulting, LLC
Release Date: September 18, 2020
Genre: Clean Holiday Novella

Sylvie has had a crush on Ford since college. Now that they’re colleagues, he treats her even more hands-off. Ford is never going to see her as dating material. Plus, he might be in love with his pretty single mom neighbor and her cute kids. Realizing defeat, Sylvie signs up for an online dating service and all she wants for Christmas is her perfect match.

Ford doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with Sylvie. His self-imposed rule is that co-workers shouldn’t date and he’s sticking with that. However, when they team up on a work project, their friendship and attraction grows stronger. This newfound chemistry combined with his knowledge that Sylvie joined a dating service makes Ford want to break his own rule.

Does Sylvie find her perfect match in time for the holidays?

PURCHASE LINKS: Amazon | Goodreads | Bookbub

My Review ❤️

Maybe it's the fact that I haven't read any of the other books in the Conner Brother series, but this novella, though sweet, fell flat for me.  

Ford is the perfect man: great sense of humor, hard worker, great with kids, devastatingly handsome...pretty much the total package.  Sylvie is genuinely a good girl, which you can't help but love, but they were a little too perfect for me.  I was craving a little more real in the characters themselves and the situations in which they found themselves in.  It was just a little too Hallmark for me as far as perfection, and very little development and depth with Ford and Sylvie.

Though they've been friends forever, their relationship felt rushed, I think due to a lack of details about their past.  We didn't get to experience their earlier interactions which makes their situation now feel like it's on fast forward.

Though sweet, it was a little too saccharine for this gal.  Normally I love these type of clean romances, so maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind to read Mistletoe, Tinsel and You, but honestly I think I would still want more depth, especially in the relationship department, and maybe have less of the business aspect of the story.  There were times I felt like that was more of the focus than the relationship!

My Rating: ★★★

About the Author

Leah Busboom wanted to become an author since the day she learned how to read! She specializes in the romance genre because she loves a great story with a happy ending. Her books are known for their heartwarming stories, intriguing characters, and hilarious real-life situations that make you want to laugh out loud.

Leah currently lives in Colorado with her wonderful husband, her “Blue Bomber” bicycle, and a hundred bunny rabbits that roam free in the neighborhood.

Leah has published several full-length romance novel series: Chance on Love series (3 books) and Unlikely Catches series (3 books), which also includes her two-holiday novellas – Unwrapping Sam’s Heart and Melting Nick’s Heart. She just published The Connor Brother series – a new Clean & Wholesome small-town romance series. Books 1-4 are now available.

Connect with Leah: Website | Facebook

*I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own.

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