Look for Me - In Paperback!

My Rating: ★★★★

Publisher: Penguin Group: Dutton
Release Date: February 6, 2018
Genre: Mystery & Thrillers

The home of a family of five is now a crime scene: four of them savagely murdered, one—a sixteen-year-old girl—missing. Was she lucky to have escaped? Or is her absence evidence of something sinister? Detective D. D. Warren is on the case—but so is survivor-turned-avenger Flora Dane. Seeking different types of justice, they must make sense of the clues left behind by a young woman who, whether as victim or suspect, is silently pleading, Look for Me.

**Look for Me has just been released in paperback so I decided to repost my review since this is such an awesome book! I have included my original review below but you can also see the original post HERE.**

My Review ♥️

I love a good suspense story. You know when you read the first page and are instantly hooked that you are going to be in for a wild ride. Look for Me is one of those stories that you think you have figured out and then there is a sudden twist that has you second guessing yourself. Then another twist. And another. By the time you reach the end you close the book and mutter, "Wow."

Roxy, a sixteen-year-old girl, is missing. Her family is brutally murdered in their home and no one knows if the missing girl is the murderer or running for her life. Detective D.D. Warren is on the case, carefully putting the pieces of the puzzle together. From what she is being told Roxy is the most level-headed person in her family, having to raise her younger brother and sister, protecting them every way she knows how, especially when they are taken away by child protective services and placed in foster care due to their mothers negligence due to alcoholism. This is the wakeup call that their mother needs and see fights to get clean and get her children back. Against all odds she accomplishes her goal and the little family is reunited. Everything seems to be going good and now almost the entire family is gunned down in cold blood and Roxy is nowhere to be found.

The deeper D.D. digs into the family's backstory the darker the secrets that are unearthed which makes the situation that much more confusing. D.D. is approached by Flora Dane soon after news of the murders are out and requests that she be a CI in the investigation. Flora is a victim herself, and an advocate and leader of others who have been through traumatic experiences. She tells D.D. that she has been in contact with Roxy prior to the murders that adds another twist in the already confusing narrative.

The attitudes and sarcasm between D.D. and Flora is great. They both have very different tactics but they both have the same goal: to find Roxy and find the truth. The conflict between these two characters helps lighten the very dark subject matter. Look for Me delves into alcoholism, the dark side of the foster care system, the effects of a family being torn apart, and the consequences of the choices of others.

Look for Me is the ninth book in The Detective D.D. Warren Series and since this is my first book in the series to read I can honestly say it is perfectly fine to read as a standalone book. I do not post spoilers but I do have to comment that the ending, though slightly predictable, is incredibly sad. The pace of the book is even and constant and makes the book hard to put down once you stop. This is my first book by Lisa Gardner and have to say that it is well written, the story multifaceted, and will not be my last book to read by this author or in this series.

Coming February 2019
Review coming soon!!

Get to Know Author Lisa Gardner

New York Times #1 bestselling crime novelist Lisa Gardner began her career in food service, but after catching her hair on fire numerous times, she took the hint and focused on writing instead. A self-described research junkie, she has parlayed her interest in police procedure, criminal minds and twisted plots into a streak of bestselling suspense novels. Her 2010 novel, THE NEIGHBOR, won Best Thriller from the International Thriller Writers. Most recently, she was honored with the Silver Bullet Award for her work with at-risk kids and homeless animals. Lisa loves to hike, travel the world, and yes, read, read, read!

Readers are invited to enter the annual "Kill a Friend, Maim a Buddy" Sweepstakes, where they can nominate the person of their choice to die in Lisa's latest novel. People have nominated themselves, spouses, bosses. It's cheaper than therapy and twice as much fun! For more details, visit Lisa's website.

Lisa lives in the mountains of New England with her family, as well as three highly spoiled dogs. Her latest novel (February 2019) is NEVER TELL, where Boston Detective D.D. Warren investigates a pregnant wife accused of killing her own husband. D.D. recognizes the wife from another "accidental" shooting sixteen years ago. More interesting, victim-turned-vigilante Flora Dane recognizes the dead husband as being a former associate of her kidnapper, Jacob Ness. What goes on behind closed doors? Someone is determined to never tell...

Connect with Lisa Gardner Online


*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Penguin Group Dutton and NetGalley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.  All opinions are my own.

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