The Long Run

I do not seem to possess the endurance that it takes to become a runner.  I admire those that can lace up their sneakers and run for miles at a time.  I'm lucky to do jogging intervals when I attempt to run.  Maybe I do not have the mental stamina it takes.  Maybe I need a shove in the right direction and a little inspiration from those who have ran before me.  This reason is why I picked up The Long Run by Australian writer and runner Catriona Menzies-Pike.

Catrina Menzies-Pike started running after mourning the deaths of both of her parents in a plane crash.  After dealing with depression and addiction for years, Ms. Menzies-Pike started running first as a hobby and later adopted the running lifestyle.  It is during this time that the author begins to research the history of women in running and the road that has led to her own participation in a half-marathon.

Any avid runner will be able to relate to her stories and why she runs and this is the part that I really enjoyed reading, despite it being a small part of the book as a whole.  The majority of the book is a history lesson on women's rights and women in sports.  I was hoping this story would be more about the author's overcoming a personal tragedy and working through grief through running but I felt like Ms. Menzies-Pike keeps her readers at arms length throughout the book.  The focus feels more on history and not on the author's story.

The Long Run is very well researched but lacks the author's personal story which is why I chose this book in the first place.  I started this book hoping for inspiration to run and I did not find that at all.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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