The Glamorous Life of a Mediocre Housewife

I am sad to say that it's been over twelve years since I've had little ones in diapers but I can remember those insanely wonderful days like they were yesterday.  My boys are only fifteen months apart so I had the joy of having a baby and a toddler at the same time.  I've had moms ask me how I made it through the younger years and truth be told I have no idea, but I'm sure my coffee consumption was astronomical! 

Any mother who has lived it can attest to the demands that having a young family can put on a woman but when you have added stresses it takes everything you have to hold it all together.

The Glamorous Life of a Mediocre Housewife is the messy, crazy life of Lotty Brooks.  Lotty is the mom of two beautiful little boys that are very close in age and is trying to keep her sanity while also trying to mend fences with her distant husband.  There has been a rift for months and neither Lottie nor her husband Jason know what to do to fix the marriage and both wonder if they're headed for divorce.

To add to Lottie's stress is where she lives: a picturesque lakeside neighborhood where every other mom seems to have it all together.  When mysterious occurrences start to happen in their picture perfect neighborhood, including vandalism, arson, and personal threats to Lottie herself, it turns their family upside down and leads them down a road they'd never dreamed they'd be on.

I have to say, this was a cute story!  To say that I related to Lottie and her life is an understatement.  Being that young mom of two little boys with a crumbling marriage brought back a lot of memories for me.  The writer gave Lottie a wonderful sense of humor and I caught myself chucking aloud a few times.  The mystery was just enough to keep you interested and there were a few surprising turns even if I did guess who was behind all the crimes early on.

This is my first read by Crissy Sharp but it will not be my last.  She has a great writing style and I loved that The Glamorous Life of a Mediocre Housewife was written from both Lottie and her husband Jason's point of views.  I can see this being a wonderful series and I can't wait for the next book!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.  All opinions are my own.

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