Random Review: Paprika Recipe Manager

I know I've mentioned this on my other reviews but it bears repeating: I hate cooking.  Growing up, I never liked helping my mom in the kitchen.  I felt like it was a waste of time.  Why spend time cooking when you can go run and get fast food?

As I mature, my thoughts on cooking are evolving.  Since I am going through the health issues I am going through, (see THIS post for more details) I need more things in my life that I can control.  One of those things is cooking, and giving my family healthier options than what's out there today.  It's time to take control of my families health.

In saying all of that, I am venturing into uncharted territories and trying things I've never tried before.  I've never had a collection of my own recipes.  I've never meal planned.  I am that girl that pins all the amazing recipes on Pinterest and never tries a single one.  There are a gazillion recipes out there, how can you keep track of everything you have tried or want to try?  It's so overwhelming.

It was in my state of confusion and utter defeat that I went on the hunt for an app that could help this poor, confused girl out and I stumbled onto Paprika.

The Paprika Recipe Manager 3 by Hindsight Labs is exactly what I was looking for!

You can store recipes which is so easy to do when you download their 'save recipe' button onto your device.  It keeps the link of where the recipe originated which is very handy, especially for someone who can't even remember what she ate last night.  You have space to put everything you'd want to know about that recipe, including your own notes, and nutritional information which is huge for our household since I have a diabetic son and have to know the carbs of everything my baby eats.  It's also easy to manually add your own recipes which is a blessing.  You can add your own tags and can search by recipe titles, ingredients, directions, sources, and notes so you can find what you're looking for in a flash.

You can create grocery lists right in the app, and if you are using the same ingredient in multiple recipes it combines them on your grocery list!  It also organizes your grocery list by aisle to make your shopping experience easier.  Usually I'm that frustrated shopper that keeps going back and forth all over the store because I forgot to grab something on my list.  Well, not anymore! :)

The Paprika Recipe Manager also includes a place to meal plan and you can create menus for any type of special occasions.  While you're cooking, there is a timer you can use right in the app and you can cross out each ingredient as you use it.  There is even a scale button that you can use to change the serving size without having to figure out the adjusted ingredients measurements.  Amazing!

You can also use this app offline, since all of the data is stored locally, which is perfect for people whose device has to be connected to wifi, and once you're logged in everything is synced wirelessly to all of your devices.

If you have any questions, the Paprika website includes user guides for all devices and has a wonderful support page that can help you answer your questions quickly.

The only downside to Paprika is that you do have to pay for this app.  For iOS, Android, and Kindle the app is $4.99.  The Mac version is $29.99 and Windows is $19.99, but on Windows it will let you download a trial version so you can try before you buy.  In my opinion, it's worth every penny.  I have tried other free recipe apps and websites recently and nothing compares to Paprika.  I purchased the iOS and Mac versions and they work flawlessly!  I am still trying to get the hang of meal planning but I have a feeling I'll be a pro soon.  I highly recommend Paprika!

Now it's time to get cooking! ;)

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